An over-the-counter drug to treat sleep disorder, sleep cycle, jet lag
What is Melatonin?
Melatonin can be found naturally in the body. The medicine form is usually made synthetically in a laboratory. Commonly Melatonin is available in pill form, but it is also available in forms that can be placed on the cheek or under the tongue. This Melatonin can be absorbed directly by the body.
People prefer taking it by mouth to adjust the internal clock of the body. Melatonin is used for insomnia and improving sleep.
How does Melatonin work?
The main purpose of Melatonin is to regulate night and day cycles or sleep-wake cycles. The body works in a way that in darkness it produces more melatonin, which indicates the body to sleep. In light melatonin production is less and the body receives signals to be awake. Some people who have trouble sleeping may lack melatonin. So it is established that adding melatonin through supplements may help achieve the normal sleep cycle.
It is effective for
● People who have delayed sleep syndrome i.e. those who have trouble falling asleep. In young adults, the consumption of melatonin through the mouth has shown a reduction in the time needed to fall asleep. For those who have trouble sleeping.
● Non-24-hour sleep-wake disorder. Melatonin has shown positive effects in blind children as well as adults who had trouble sleeping.
● Sleep disturbance is caused by blood pressure medicine that seems to lower melatonin levels. Sleep medicines have beta-blocker drugs, such as atenolol and propranolol, which are not good for melatonin levels. Research shows that melatonin supplement might reduce sleeping problems in patients that consume beta-blocker drugs.
● High doses of melatonin under the supervision of a healthcare professional and chemotherapy for cancer might improve survival rates.
● A uterine disorder(endometriosis) that causes pain during menstruation and while going to the bathroom. The endometriosis effect can be reduced by daily usage of melatonin for 8 weeks. The pain caused and pain killer use in women can be reduced.
● Short-term intake of melatonin seems to shorten only about 7–12 minutes it takes to fall asleep in people with insomnia. Melatonin might also increase the amount of time an insomniac spends sleeping. However, melatonin is more likely to help older people than younger people or children. This may be because older people have less melatonin in their bodies. There is also interest in using melatonin for people with insomnia and other conditions. There is some evidence that melatonin might even improve sleeping trouble-related conditions such as depression, schizophrenia, epilepsy, autism, developmental disabilities, and intellectual disabilities.
● Melatonin can improve certain symptoms of jet lag such as alertness and movement coordination. Melatonin can also improve other symptoms like daytime sleepiness and tiredness.
● Research shows that taking melatonin before bed can prevent migraines in adults and children. If headaches do occur, they are milder and pass more quickly.
Scientific research shows that the following doses are recommended for best results:*
For oral dosage for adults
● Delayed sleep phase syndrome: 0.3 to 5 mg of melatonin daily for up to 9 months.
● Beta blocker-induced insomnia: 2.5 mg of melatonin taken daily for up to 4 weeks has been used. Single doses of 5 mg of melatonin.
● For endometriosis: 10 mg of melatonin daily for 8 weeks.
● For high blood pressure: 2–3 mg of controlled-release melatonin daily for 4 weeks.
For insomnia:
1. For insomnia: 2 mg to 3 mg of melatonin before bedtime for up to 29 weeks.
2. For insomnia occurring together with other conditions: 2–12 mg for up to 4 weeks.
● For jet lag: 0.5–8 mg of melatonin at bedtime is commonly taken on the day of arrival at the destination, continuing for 2 to 5 days.
● For migraine: 3–4 mg of melatonin each evening for up to 6 months.
- Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions regarding a medical condition and Dosage.
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